最后学位:哲学博士(PhD,美国伊利诺大学香槟分校) 职称职务:教授、博导 专业方向:神经生物学、细胞生物学 研究方向:神经细胞的信号传导 电话号码:027-68750282 电子邮件:yanxunyu@whu.edu.cn |
1995-1999 武汉大学,学士
1999-2007 美国伊利诺大学香槟分校,博士
2007-2011 美国罗切斯特大学,博士后研究员
2011-2018 美国布兰迪斯大学,博士后研究员
2018-至今 武汉大学医学研究院,教授
2016 MDI Biological Laboratory差旅奖金
Takeishi1 A*, Yu YV*, Hapiak VM, Bell HW, O’Leary T, Sengupta P. Receptor-type guanylyl cyclases are thermosensory proteins in C. elegans. Neuron. (2016) 90:235
Yu YV*, Bell HW*, Glauser DA, Van Hooser SD, Goodman MB, Sengupta P. CaMKI-dependent regulation of sensory gene expression mediates experience-dependent plasticity in the operating range of a thermosensory neuron. Neuron. (2014) 84: 919
Schild LC, Zbinden L, Bell HW, Yu YV, Sengupta P, Goodman MB, Glauser DA. The balance between cytoplasmic and nuclear CaM kinase-1 signaling controls the operating range of noxious heat avoidance. Neuron. (2014) 84:983
Gaspar I*, Yu YV*, Cotton SL, Kim DH, Ephrussi A, Welte MA. Klar ensures thermal robustness of oskar localization by restraining RNP motility. J Cell Biol. (2014) 206:199
Jin YN, Yu YV, Gundemir S, Jo C, Cui M, Tieu K, Johnson GV. Impaired mitochondrial dynamics and Nrf2 signaling contribute to compromised responses to oxidative stress in striatal cells expressing full-length mutant huntingtin. PLoS One. (2013) 8(3):e57932
Elhanany-Tamir H, Yu YV, Shnayder M, Jain A, Welte MA, Volk T. Organelle positioning in muscles requires cooperation between two KASH proteins and microtubules. J Cell Biol. (2012) 198:833
Wang TA*, Yu YV*, Govindaiah G, Ye X, Artinian L, Coleman TP, Sweedler JV, Cox CL, Gillette MU. Circadian rhythm of redox state regulates excitability in suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons. Science. (2012) 337:839
Yu YV, Li ZH, Rizzo NP, Einstein J, Welte MA. Targeting the Motor Regulator Klar to Lipid Droplets. BMC Cell Biol. (2011) 12:9