Professor Positions at Medical Research Institute of Wuhan University

Full description:

The Medical Research Institute(MRI) at Wuhan University in China invites applications for 30 principle investigator positions at full professor level. All fields in biomedical sciences, such as microbiology, immunology, neurobiology, cancer biology, cell and molecular biology, developmental biology, and cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, will be considered. The applicants must have a PhD or MD and successful postdoctoral experience. We offer internationally competitive recruitment packages. The applicants should submit a full cv, a research statement and contact information of three referees as a single PDF file to Dr. Hong-Bing Shu, director, email:


Salary description:

Competitive salary based on qualifications/experience



Life Sciences, Health Sciences


Position Type:

Full Time


Job Type:

Faculty, Group Leader/Principal Investigator


Application method:

Send an email to the job contact


Contact email:


Tel: 0086-27-68750205 Fax: 0086-27-68759675  Email:

Contact address: Donghu Road, No. 115, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R. China. 430071

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